Welcome to my page! This page is for everybody who ever wanted to do a webpage, but didn't know how. This page is also for people who want to spice up their page, but need a few pointers. This page is also for people who don't have a nifty wepage builder, but want a webpage.

In short, this page is for all of you forgotten souls who just wanted a little help with a webpage

Where do you want to start?

Please look below for basic webpage information before you begin, or click here

If above links don't work, try these:

  • Basic HTML document
  • Basic commands
  • Do's and Don'ts
  • Tips and FAQs
  • Frames
  • Nice little extras
  • Publishing your webpage
  • Basic Javascript <--This site used to belong to wdvl.com. It's changed.
  • A great resource <--This site used to belong to wdvl.com. It's changed.

  • Ever wondered what's on your PC? Click here to find out

  • Drive

    Basic information

    To use the information in these webpages, you must have a text program. For Windows, wordpad is the most commonly used, for Mac's, simpletext.
    Very important: You must save your webpage document as html format.
    This can be done by typing the document name, and adding the .html ending. (i.e. index.html)Calling the html document index will cause it to be the default document. The default document opens two different ways:
    as you can see, calling the document index will shorten the the URL.

    The webpages are set up in order. Beginners start at "Basic HTML Document" and go in order down the list. If you just want information on a certain subject, go to the appropriate page.

    A little bit about me

    I'm a ninth grader enrolled in Charter Community School, who loves to design webpages. I've done just about everything wrong in my quest for webpage knowledge, but I've worked out most of my problems. Overcoming a problem is perhaps the best way to learn, as it really makes you think about what you're doing. It's not just cut and paste, or using a fancy web editor, you have to know the commands, and what they mean. It takes a little learning, but the few basic commands are easy to find and recognize. With a basic knowledge, you can pick out new commands on other webpages, and use them yourself.

    I know that when I was making my first webpage, I really wished I had something to help me figure out what everything means, and what command does what. That's why I decided to make this webpage, because I know what it's like. Making a webpage in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is really quite easy once you understand the basic form of the webpage and a few special commands. A good webpage doesn't need anything fancy to be good.


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    netscape and Internet Explorer

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