Presenting, for your enjoyment, the entire postings from ISLAS forum's "You just *might* be from RCA/SOLA if..." 1. Your 5-year-old sister asks you to E-mail the Easter Bunny. :-) 2. A slumber party at your best friend's house requires a plane ticket. :-) 3. You get graded in Twinkies. :-) 4. You imagine pictures of your classmates, but have no idea what they really look like. 5. The flu doesn't keep you from get-togethers with your friends, but "computeritis" is a common ailment that keeps you from social gatherings. 6. You can use "my computer crashed" as an excuse for not coming to class. 7. Learning a "dead" language in school is not uncool. 8. Your teacher doesn't care or even know how disheveled you look.(Well, I don't mean to imply this always happen, or occurs a majority of the time, that we all look like slobs when we are at class. I'm sure this isn't true, but it is possible to come to class sometimes with uncombed hair, etc. Of course, I never see anyone at class except myself, so maybe this is all wrong (:) 9. One of your teachers has a bot who was apparently a secretary to Cicero. 10. You ask fellow students about logs in a class other than math. 11. You can pass notes in class without being caught(Usually). 12. you set your alarm clock for five minutes before your early-morning class starts and frequently attend your in your nightgown. (...and it's not a nightmare but a normal occurrence) 13. When one of your best friends comes over to your house, you must ask what she'll be wearing ahead of time to make sure you don't greet the wrong person. 14. You talk with your classmates about a class reunion before you graduate.~Skye 15. You give people your email when they ask for an address. 16. You can eat in class (thank goodness! ;) 17. You greet your family and friends with "Ave!" 18. Your dinner conversations always include the latest Magistra-MrsP story. 19. When something happens in RL, your first thought is: "Wait till I post that in the forum." 20. (For Girls) Your heart begins to beat fast at the mention of Hector, not one of the Backstreet Boys. 21. Instead of laughing at a friends joke (if you are talking in person) you say "lol" or "rofl" 22. You write on a snail mail letter to a friend. "/me......" 23. Your school doesn't fight over whcih is better for music groups or tv shows, you go with the real stuff, Operating Systems! 24. You play ping pong by sending your friends "Cpings" on Ircle/mIRC. 25. If you never have to take notes in any of your classes (you just read the log) 26. you have no fear of being sent to the principal's office, but the thought of being "kicked" sends shivers down your spine! 27. You can ask for notes from another classmate and get them, no strings attached. 28. You have absolutely NO dress code to follow :) 29. By the end of class, you have already made four trips to the kitchen, two bathroom breaks, and several to "just get some excercise" without the teacher even noticing. :) 30. The school has a bulletin board with the topic "You just *might* be from RCA/SOLA if" and feel its your obligation to provide at least half of the posts. :) 31. Your mom nags you to stop doing homework. 32. When you walk into a classroom, you're greeted by a bot. 33. You can come to class under a false identity. 34. The stability of the class depends on the moods of "Mr. Peer". 35. Extra paper and ink cartridges are necessary school supplies. 35. ...if you listen to music while in class. 36. ...if people ask you where your school is, to which you reply, 37. ...if bad hair days don't matter and you go to class anyways. 38. ...if you feel no peer pressure, except when you are disconnected by o mighty Peer. 39. ...if you give the excuse 'I couldn't get on the web; it was down' when you didn't do your homework. 40. ...if you have no idea where any of your teachers or fellow classmates are in the US. 41. You can compare most major works of literature to Star Wars. 42. When you tell your relatives you're learning about cosmology in school, they don't automatically assume you've mispronounced cosmotology. 43. When a friend mentions her school drama group "Sieze the Day", you mutter "Ah. Carpe Diem. Good old Horace." 44. When you watch Star Wars, you wonder if the Imperial computers really are M*cs. 45. When you see the rebels miss the Death Star you wonder if those were actually PC's (couldn't resist!) 46. When you exam deadlines are Saturday nights. 47. When you invite friends to visit your "Homepage" instead of House. 48. When a power outage is your worse nightmare. 2. When (Rebel) the stories of the principal's dog come up in your dinner conversations more than the principal. 49. you can listen to a song your friend hates while chatting with him (or her) and he won't care. 50. you can spend all the time on the computer you want because your parents think you are doing homework. (j/k) 51. If you get 3 more hours (on the east coast) to turn in your English exams than those who live in the Pacific time zone. 52. If you have ever done jumping jacks during class 53. If you omit the "a" in M*c 54. You speak fluent "typoese". 55. The only virus that keeps you from school is a computer virus. 56. You have written a five page essay on why Bill Clinton should have been locked away in a prison on a desert island, with the key thrown away. 57. You can quote Princess Bride for all scholastic occasions. 58. Flattering a bot is not above you. 59. You think "When the verb is to be, the sentence never has a three" is the greatest masterpiece of Western Literature. 60. You no longer live in your own time zone, but in ET. 61. You've registered yourself as a great student of ISLAS. 62. If, when making RL appointments, you make sure to specify which time zone. (e.g. "What time does the movie start?" "7:30 Eastern") 63. You have to specify whether you are talking about online stuff or RL stuff 64. every time there's a computer error, instead of grumbling, you cry- "inconceivable!" 65. whenever someone mentions hurricane Linda, you say "Oh, I know her!" 66. your closest school pal is a six hour drive away. 67. when your friend tells you he (or she) is making flash cards your first thought it "Latin flash cards" not "math flash cards" 68. when you are thinking you start spelling the words as you think 69. you start thinking "/me is so tired of cleaning her room" instead of "I'm so tired of cleaning my room" 70. If you feel disoriented when working with snail mail. 71. if you make a mistake in life and frantically look for the 'Undo' button. 72. if your teacher recites The Princess Bride during class. 73. if you constantly feel the urge to use bad grammar in coversation (ie, "/me is going for a drink of water now.") 74. You paint your nails during a class 75. You don't refer to students as freshmen, sophmores, juniors, and seniors, but as "newbies" and "oldies". 76. You abbreviate all words and names longer than 5 letters, and phrases that use more than 2 words. 77. if you find youself looking for the "?" button when aksed (in person) a question 78. if you find yourself looking for the "!" button when you find that during a conversation (in person) you have something to say. :) 79. if you then go on to say "nm" to your friend when you realize your comment was not neccessary.:) 80. If you realize Al Gore is NOT the founder of the internet. 81. If Divine Comedy is not poking fun at God, but something written by Dante. 82. If all discussions and threads, given enough time, tend to flare up the M*c-PC wars. 83. If you live in Indiana or Arizona and your class times go back and forth one hour twice a year because you don't observe daylight savings time. 84. If you know Mr. Snerdley not as Rush's former call-screener, but as one of your school's admin assistants. 85. If you tilt your head sideways when you are talking to a person and you want to smile. :-) 86. you wake up and realize you were parsing in your dream. 87. If your siblings ask for twinkie points. 88. If you send your best friend pictures of yourself, and she says, "That's not how I imagined you at all!" 89. If you pick up your friend from the airport and you can't find each other, even though you're in the same room. 90. If you are required to check your e-mail at least once a day, but usually check it more like ten times, just to be sure you don't miss anything important. 91. If you are sick and tired of the mac/PC wars, and take on the motto "Cogito ergo sum polyplatformial!" 92. When you read the newspaper, you moan, "O tempora! O mores!" 93. You almost have a conniption when you hear your younger siblings discussing what is the "most goodest". 94. You have to arrange a specific time to talk to your friends on the phone to make sure the line won't be tied up. 95. If your best friend is halfway across the US. 96. If you find yourself setting your alarm on Friday night for 7 a.m. to get ready for class. 97. you can't get a foreign exchange student who speaks the most popular language in the school taught by the Principle!!! (shocking!!) 98. you return from a trip and the first thing you think is, "I gotta check my email" 99. when you are on the puter your parents think you are studying. 100. when someone says something about PC your first though is "Personal Computer" not "Politically Correct" 101. when you are listening to a conversation and tune out for a minute and think you might have missed something interesting, you wish you could scroll. 102. Your students blame Tiro for leaking sensitive information concerning a teacher's attempts to participate in a petroleum boycott.[Yeah, that's what it was....] (note to non-ISLAS students: inside joke) 103. You consider buying your principal a can of unleaded gas, as a "Thank you" gift. 104. you mercilessly tease your teacher for (snicker) running out of gas. (just joking mag, it happens to everybody ;) 105. you roll out of bed 5 mins before class, punch the power button, and scramble back under the covers to catch a few extra zzzzzz 106. you can type faster then you can talk 107. you can sign in, type "brb" and catch a quick 5 min shower before class 108. you have to give your coach a second line number because the first one is "always busy" 109. your parents start wondering why no one has tried to sell them the newspaper or tickets to the police men's ball in months 110. you run in from tanning to hear your best friend complaining about that darn snow