My philosophical argument for the inferiority of animals.

This argument was thought up as a response to people who claim the equality of animals to humans. It is based on experiences of mine, and so may not be a complete response to all variations of beliefs. However, I am more than willing to debate it. I believe it will be hard to find an argument against my basic premise.

Some people I know are vegetarians, and often speak of the equality of animals to humans. They have pets, to whom they feed animal products. Products such as bones, pig ears, etc. If humans are equal to animals, then how come they allow animals to eat meat? Animals enjoy meat, but by supplying them with it, and their eating it, aren't we saying that animals can't control their hunger, or what they eat? If we do not even hold animals to the same standard of living to which we hold ourselves does that not say that animals are below us?

To put it another way: If the animals and humans are equal, then how come the humans can resist eating animals products and the animals can't?

I believe the answer to these questions is quite simple. It is that humans are above animals. Now, please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against animals. I like animals. All I'm arguing against is the *equality* of animals.

And of course, for those people who eat meat and say animals are equal to humans, those people are simply cannibals :).


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