President Clinton is proposing new gun laws in the wake of the Colorado Shooting incident. By riding on the tailcoats of a tragedy, he is trying to pass more restrictions on us. Points of the laws include:
  • Mandatory child-safety locks on all guns sold.
  • All gun-show sales be subject to background checks on buyers.
  • A lifetime ban on gun ownership for people who commit violent crimes as juveniles.
  • A three-day waiting period for all handgun purchases. The Brady law’s five-day waiting period lapsed last year.
  • Criminal liability for adults, including parents, who allow children access to guns.

Mandatory child-safety locks on all guns sold is just plain stupid. In a time where you would need to defend yourself, having to take off a child-safety lock before the gun can be used could mean the difference between life and death. In cases where children may get access to your guns, you could put them in a safe, or at least put the ammo in a safe. Indeed, it may even be better for some people to put child-safety locks on guns. The largest problem I have with this is the MANDATORY part. The government has no right to restrict us.

Background checks at gun-show sales does not seem very feasable. Then again, I have not been to a gun-show, so I may be wrong.

I don't have as much of a problem with the lifetime ban on gun ownership for people who commit violent crimes as juveniles. However, if criminals are going to commit an armed crime, they don't usually buy guns legally....(there's a quite large black market in guns). Maybe we should just put violent offenders in the military...

I also don't mind a three-day waiting period that much, as it would discourage criminals from buying handguns. However, like I mentioned above, they just buy off the black market.

Criminal liability for adults, including parents, who allow children access to guns is completely wrong. I go shoot my dad's .22 all the time. I shoot at cans, etc (Target practice). Is my dad therefore liable to be prosecuted? Kids who commit violent crimes usually are going to find a way to do it. If they can't get guns through their parents, they'll find them another way. In the Colorado incident, they didn't get guns through their parents!

I'm tired of the whole "anti-gun" stuff that's going on here. The 2nd Ammendment of the Constitution (that document our country is based on) says citizens have the "right to bear arms." The government is trying to take that right away from us. And if that goes, what's next? BTW, I have never heard of an age limit to that 2nd Ammendment.

One last point of interest: recently there have been people citing "violent videogames" as the cause of all this. I don't know about you, but I have played many videogames in my life, some a bit bloody, etc, and I have never had the urge to go kill people. In my opinion, videogames allow for stress-release, resulting in *less* violence. That, I believe, could be proven through a bit of research. I heard one man say that kids that play these videogames (he was commenting on DOOM) are receiving "military-level training." That is sad. If DOOM is the level the military trains at, I'd be surprised if we won our next war. I have two questions for those who consider videogames a cause of violence: 1) What about paintball? Is that a violence inducer? 2) If you think the videogames induce violence, how do you feel about abortion?


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