Ye Olde Bookshop

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Books are listed alphabetically, not counting A's and The's

All the ratings I give below are based on a 5 star system (I'm so original). Right now the stars are dots, as I'm too lazy to make myself a .gif image.

Fiction/Science Fiction

Often the line separating Fiction and Science Fiction is blurred, or nearly non-existant, so I decided to just put them together

  • The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien   Who couldn't love these books. In my not so humble opinion, this series one of the best I've ever read. These are books you want to read again, and again, and again. The Hobbit is the story of a band of adventures (a Hobbit, a wizard, and group of Dwarves) in their journey to retrieve stolen treasure from Smaug, an evil dragon, and reclaim the Great Mountain. What else can I say? I give it •••••
  • The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle   The Mote in God's Eye is a story set in the future, with all the spaceships, etc. Mankind has just discovered a strange ship in space, which is believed to be the first sign of alien life. But these aliens have a dark secret....pretty suspenseful, huh? I don't wanna give away too much, but this book is basically about the discovery and reaction to sentient alien life. Very well written, dramatic, I really liked it. I think this one deserves •••••
  • The Gripping Hand by Larry Niven   The sequel to The Mote in God's Eye, this book chronicles what happens when the Moties break loose (you'd have to read the first book to understand). This book is on par with the first, very good action, etc, thoug h a few parts were a bit hard to understand at first. These cleared themselves up after reading a bit farther. I give it a ••••


    These books are often overlooked, but there's a reason they're called classics. Though many of these are Fiction, I'm putting them under the classics section. Enjoy.

  • The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas   At the beginning serious misunderstandings between D'Artagnan and three musketeers end up in his having to duel all three. From this beginning, a friendship is born, as are the Three Musketeers, with D'artagnan as their leader. A tale of swashbuckling (what a word, huh) and adventure, etc. I give it •••••
  • The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas   No, this isn't that new movie with Leonardo something-or-other, this is the original classic. It's closely tied to the Three Musketeers, another classic by Dumas which I have listed below. A good "sit by the fire on a stormy night" book, this tale details the end of the Three Musketeers. I give it ••••
  • The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas   Actually, I haven't read this one in a long while, so I don't remember what it's about, I just remember that it was really good when I read it. Something about a young man (in his 20's, I think) that gets thrown into jail wrongly. While there he becomes really strong and can see in the dark and learns other languages from another inmate. Eventually, he is able to escape, and gets a huge sum of money from that other inmate...and that's all I can remember. Oh well...for now, since I haven't read it in a while, I give it a ••••
  • Moby Dick by Herman Melville   The search for the White Whale. Captain Ahap of the ship Penquod will stop at nothing to kill the whale who lost him a leg, bringing Ishmael and the rest of the crew along for the ride. Great book to read in the hammock on those long summer days (I know from experience). Good adventure story and well defined characters, I give it a •••••

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