5th, count 'em, 5th joke page. Whew, this is getting big.

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The Advanced User's Guide to the DEC Rainbow PC100 User's Guide
How idiot-proof can you get? :)


Chapter 1. Introduction..................2

Chapter 2. Getting Started...............76 Chapter 3. Using the User's Guide........143 Chapter 4. Advanced User.................202 Appendix A. Using a Book.................203

Copyright Notice: No part of this book may, for any reason or in any circumstances, be copied, transmitted, reproduced, reprinted, or recorded in any form or by any means or method, including, but not limited to, photocopying, recording on any information or retrieval system, copying by any means whether mechanical or electronic, or verbally communicating any part, portion, or subset of this book in any form. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no claims, either explicit or implied, as to the suitability, quality, completeness, correctness, usefulness, or taste of this or any other product.

Chapter 1. Introduction
In this chapter, you will read an introduction. It also provides some practical experience in using a book. If you are unfamiliar with the use of a book, refer to Appendix A, "Using a Book".
How To Use This Book
To use this book, you must begin by doing the following:

  • 1. Buy the Advanced User's Guide to The Rainbow PC100 User's Guide, DEC part number G45-435600123-TRY09879-34563-2-12
  • 2. Remove the Guide from its box. This is most easily done by a) opening the box, b) grasping the Guide with your right hand, and c) pulling the Guide from the box.
  • 3. Turn to Chapter 1, page 2. Look for the place that says "4. Begin reading...."
  • 4. Begin reading. Complete details on how to read may be found in any Elementary School education.
    How To Get Help
    If at any time you need assistance with this Guide call the DEC help number. Complete details on how to use a telephone to call DEC may be found in the manual "How To Use a Telephone to Call DEC".

    The Long Key
    A while back I was given a list of keyboard shortcuts for Quark XPress on the Mac. Page after page of keyboard shortcuts. Buried in this list was the fact that to put a space between words one need only press the space bar. Needless to say, this was a moment of epiphany for me. Until then, I had been using the more common way of putting spaces between words -- that is, putting a letter (usually "a," "i," or "w" between words, converting these letters to magenta, and then printing color separations. This new technique not only saves me time, but makes the spell checker work MUCH better, and saves a whole bunch of paper.
    For those of you who are new to the world of computers, the space bar (technically known as "the long key") is the big key in the middle of the row of keys closest to you when the letters on the keyboard are right-side-up. Obviously, some of you who learned to type on portable typewriters may prefer having the keyboard positioned so that the letters are up-side-down, in which case, the long-key will be in the row farthest away from you.
    I checked with a friend at Apple to see if this technique would work with other programs. They both sternly warned me that while this use of the long-key might work with some computers in some configurations and for some programs, it is an undocumented feature and might also cause your computer to freeze up permanently or reformat your hard disc. They advise me that the long-key was originally placed there to fill up the space on the keyboard and that possible uses for it have been the source of long and heated debate within the industry.

    The Carrot Saga
    Ok, I know that most of my humor is high-brow (rolling of eyes) but I got a laugh out of this one.
    One day two carrots were walking down the street. They were the best of friends. Just as they started to step off the curb a car came speeding around the corner and ran one of them over. The unhurt carrot cradled his buddy, telling him over and over again that he would be OK. Finally the ambulance arrived and rushed the injured carrot off to the hospital. His friend rode with him.
    Once at the hospital the uninjured carrot paced back and forth in the emergency room waiting to hear how his pal was going to be.
    After many minutes of agonized waiting the doctor came out. He walked over to the distraught carrot and said "I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that your friend is going to be alright. The bad news is that he is going to be a vegetable all his life".

    Ahh, sermons
    A preacher was winding up his temperance sermon with great fervor: "If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."
    And the congregation cried "Amen!"
    "If I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."
    And the congregation cried "Amen!"
    "If I had all the whiskey and demon rum in the world, I'd take it all and throw it into the river."
    And the congregation cried "Hallejulah!".
    The preacher sat down.
    The song leader stood very tentatively and announced: "For our closing song, let us sing Hymn # 365: "Shall We Gather at the River."

    What to do with that old 486...
    1. Successfully think it is a faster unit by slowing down YOUR thought processes by 75%.
    2. Post a sign on it that reads "Caution: SPEED TRAP AHEAD".
    3. Use the 4x CD tray as a Mega-Cup holder.
    4. Draw a bulls-eye on the side and toss powerful magnets at it.
    5. Set that leaking paper cup of hot coffee on top of it.
    6. Drill a hole in the face and install a battery clock that operates at half speed.
    7. Install a 56k modem in it and watch the whole works go up in smoke.
    8. Suggest to the boss he donate it to the archeology department of a local university as a specimen.
    9. Trade it in for one gross (144) of pre-formatted floppies.
    10. A little changing around inside and hey, you have a desk side microwave.
    11. Resign yourself to slow loading, and sign up for AOL.
    12. Lift that monitor up to eye level.
    13. Use it as a footrest under the desk.

    1. Use it as a decoy for burglars.
    2. Bronze it.
    3. Hollow it out and:

    4. Use the sides as extra space for Post-its.
    5. Nice flat surface for folding socks and underwear.
    6. Keep it in the family, give it to your parents, it's fast enough for them.

    A man drove all night long. Upon arriving in a small community, he decided to stop in the local park and catch some shuteye.
    Just as he dozed off, there was a knock on the window. Outside the car, the man saw a jogger. "Excuse me, can you give me the time?"
    "Yeah, it's 6:27."
    The man settled back and was almost asleep when there was another knock on the window. Another jogger.
    "I'm sorry to disturb you. Do you have the time?"
    "Yeah. It's 6:34."
    The man rolled up the window and realized this could go on indefinitely. So he took paper and pen and made a sign which read: "I DO NOT KNOW THE TIME".
    He stuck the sign in the window and again nestled himself back in the seat.
    Then... yet another tap on the window. The man looked and sure enough, another jogger.
    He disgustedly rolled down the window and said, "Yeah, what is it?"
    The jogger replied, "It's 6:42."

    Polar Bear Father/Son talk
    One afternoon in the Artic, a father polar bear and his son polar bear were sitting in the snow. The son polar bear turned to his father and asked, "Dad, am I 100% polar bear?"
    The father polar bear replied, "Of course, son, you're 100% polar bear."
    A few minutes pass, and the son polar bear turns to his father again and says, "Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100% polar bear? No brown bear or panda bear or grizzly bear?"
    The father polar bear replies, "Son, I'm 100% polar bear, your mother is 100% polar bear, so you are definitely 100% polar bear."
    A few more minutes pass, and the son polar bear AGAIN turns to his father and says, "Dad, don't think your sparing my feelings if it's not true. I gotta know -- am I 100% polar bear?"
    The father polar bear was distressed by this continued questioning and asked his son, "Why do you keep asking if you're 100% polar bear?"
    "Because I'm freezing!"

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    This page created with the -->incredible<-- brainpower of Ryan

    Bumper Stickers that make you think: "*I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian."