
- 3/3/03
The image on the right was originally Emperor Norton of San Francisco - a man who went crazy and declared himself emperor. I took the image and played with it in photoshop for a while to super-impose my face, though I had to add facial hair (it was an old picture of me).


number of monkeys: 3

Hi, since this site is really just an extension of my ability to waste time, it makes sense to have at least a paragraph about myself somewhere. For starters, I am tall, dark, and handsome, from a distance. Up close I am neither tall nor dark, though I like to imagine I am handsome. To the left you can see a picture of what I might have looked like if that was a picture of myself. Confused yet?

I am a disaffected college student who really isn't that disaffected. Which leaves me as a mere college student, attending UC Davis. I have a horrible sense of humor that enjoys Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Here is where I'd put all my many accomplishments, but I won't because the list is too short, and I'd feel bad. Be content to know that I've done more things than you.

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