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number of monkeys typing Hamlet: infinite

These are websites I have designed or been a part of. I imagine someday the designs will be replaced by something infinitely better, so I've included an image of each. Gaze in wonderment at the feast you see before you.

Charter Community School

I designed this for my high school. I often helped to update the site, and finally decided (with permission) to create a "wrapper" for each page, to define a look for the site. Originally designed to use ASP, but implementation proved to be a little more trouble that it was worth.

Mother Teresa Maternity Home

I designed a website for the MTMH, however, it apparently is no longer active :(. I'll try to find an image of the site.

Charter Splash page

Again, designed for the Charter website. It wasn't used because it took too long to load on slower connections, but I really enjoyed making it. It's interactive!

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Copyright (c) 2003 by Ryan. All rights reserved.

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