Ryan's Page

Hello, and welcome to my page. Come for the free food*, stay for the show. Sit back and enjoy!
P.S. Sign my guestbook! :)

Note: All views on this page are my views, and not necessarily the views of other people (though they should be).
*free food is a promotional offer only, all offers are fictional and have no relation in any way to real or imagined offers of free products of any kind.

About Me
My Views

To start my name is Ryan. I am currently 15 and live in a small town in California along the Sierra Nevada Mt. Range. I like using the web, and love to design and build web pages. I am homeschooled and enrolled in a charter school, called Charter Community School ***I helped on a few of their pages, check it out, 'specially the tech section***, but take most of my classes through an online school, ISLAS (Institute for the Study of Liberal Arts and Sciences). I take most of my online classes through a section of ISLAS called RCA (Regina Coeli Academy).
I like to ride my bike, and have a very nice KHS Summit with front shocks, blah, blah, blah. I also like to read. Make that love to read. Those are my two main interests besides using the computer. I'm a Life Scout (no, it's not my quality, it's my rank in the Boy Scouts) in Troop 104. Also, I'm a brown-belt in Kuk Sool Wan (a Korean Martial Art).
I have a new hobby (or whatever you wanna call it). I'm learning c! c is a programming language, I love it! I also got a *gigantic* guide to learning c++, which I'm working my way through. I'm trying to self-teach myself javascript also, but I don't have any formal training or anything =). I'm also actually trying new things in Photoshop, so you might see better graphics . Maybe. I use Bryce 3D for the 3D stuff, and edit it in Photoshop, for those that want to know. ***I know Bryce isn't the greatest, but it's what I have*** I've become quite a "computer" person. I work in my (Charter) school's computer lab a few days a week (hehe, money!) so I'm getting some nice experience for future jobs. I plan on my own company someday too....but not anytime soon =).

Well...let's see...I think PC's rule compared to Macs. Which is obvious to most people, I'm sure : ). I'm a Conservative, I like Rush Limbaugh, even though he likes Macs. I don't think Bill Gate's is the scourge of the earth, he's just a guy out to make some money, and don't e-mail me about the packaging Internet Explorer thing. It's his Operating System, and if he want's to include his browser with it, good for him. There's no possible way he could control a market, in fact, he's promoting market growth, because he's spurring himself and other companies to invent better products to keep ahead in the market. This can only be a boon to buyers, because companies will make their products cheaper and better to try to get the upper hand. And that's all I'm going to say about that matter for now. I think global warming is a hoax, if anything, findings show that things are cooling down. I like Chinese food and popcorn with coconut oil, even though all the experts say it will kill me. I don't even go to a therapist! That's probably enough of my rantings and ravings for now.


  • My view on Clinton's proposed new gun laws
  • My argument for the inferiority of animals

    Please, send me comments on the stuff I post. I wanna hear your views! I want to get some discussions going! Your comments will not be posted on my page without your permission.

  • Thoughts and Words of Wisdom (huh?)

    Actually, none of these sayings and ponderings are mine, but they're still funny.
    I moved all the quotes and such to another page, as they were making this way too long.
    click here to go there.
    New: The ISLAS "you *might* be an RCA/SOLA student if..." postings. These might not make sense to non-ISLAS students, but you'll probably still get a laugh out of it.

    Miscellaneous Marvels(all my junk)
  • I have a Guestbook now. Now we'll see if all those hits are from my use of the reload button...
  • Yahoo Or you can use the Yahoo! Search below.

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    This page created with the -->incredible<-- brainpower of Ryan

    The Small Print
    No hamsters were harmed in the making this page. This page contains all natural coloring and flavors. Low in fat. Made from biodegradable material. Keep away from children under 3. Harmful if swallowed. Please be aware that overexposure to this site may be hazardous to your thinking. Thank you, have a nice day

    You're the (USED TO BE A COUNTER) person who has absolutely nothing to do.